I've been neglect my blog for more than 34512479o2 years.
Miss my blog so much out of sudden.That's why i'm back here,LOL!
Time flies as usual,It comes the end of 2011 already.
Hopefully all of us learn something from 2011.
Hopefully everyone grows stronger,see things wiser.
I realized,most of us don't know what we want for our life.
We always think we do,but we really don't.
We only know what we don't want.
We don't wanna be poor,we don't want to lose.
We don't want to disappoint our loved one
This is the point,if you want to be conventionally successful,
To attain wealth and status,you need to choose a specific path
Face yourself,be true to yourself.
Btw,just don't wait too long to decide what you want.
Each moment you deliberate,your already committed competitors sprint further ahead.
You can do anything when you put your mind to!
Hopefully all of us able to find the right path and blast our 2012!
Live with no regrets! *xoxo